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Tea Research and Extension Station

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  1. There were 25 registered tea cultivars released and extended to farmers.
  2. Accomplishments of genetic characteristics and survey on distribution and ecology of Taiwan wild tea trees. 
  3. Successfully introduced, improved and established mechanical plucking techniques.
  4. Successfully improved nursery systems for tea cuttings.
  5. Developed biological control techniques, and pest & pesticide residue monitoring systems.
  6. Ecological approach to organic tea management.
  7. Establishment of slopeland conservation demonstration tea farm in the TBRS to strengthen tea growers' soil & water conservation concepts so as to upgrade farmers' related techniques in tea farm conservation.
  8. Development of tea manufacturing machinery and automatic refining equipments.
  9. R & D and extension of diverse tea products.
  10. Periodically conducting training and workshops on production and marketing for the purpose of increasing tea quality. There have been also conducting tea fairs, tea art and cultural activities to promote tea sales, trying to increase farmers' incomes.