Procedure of Visiting
Application Procedure for Visiting Tea and Beverage Research Station (TBRS)
Visiting Information:
1. Visiting Period: Monday - Friday, 8 am - 12 pm & 1 - 5 pm. Visiting members should at least 5 persons.
*Respond to research fields will become extended after institution change name to “Tea and Beverage Research Station.” TBRS and its branch stations had decided not accept any visiting application from travel agencies since April 2015.
2. Telephone and affair of contact person:
(1) Head Station, Yangmei
Industry Service Section: Dr. Cheng-Nan Lai, Tel: +886-3-4822059 ext. 809, E-mail: (for general visiting)
Crop Improvement Section: Mr. Quin-Lin Gaochung, Tel: +886-3-4822059 ext. 806, E-mail: (for visiting the outside room of soil & water conservation)
Address: 324 Chung-Hsing Rd., Yangmei, Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C.
(2) If you want to visit our branch stations, please contact directly to every branch stations.
■Northern Region Branch Station: Tel: +886-2-26651801
■Central Region Branch Station: Tel: +886-49-2855106 ext.100 (Chief Haung)
■Eastern Region Branch Station: Tel: +886-89-551446
■Southern Region Branch Station: Tel: +886-49-2753960
3. Description of Visiting Procedure
If you want to visit TBRS, please contact officer before two weeks from visiting date. After confirm, applicant should submit an application with formal document in the name of an institution or unit. The contents of document should contain unit name, numbers of visiting person, visiting date & time, visiting items, scheduled stay time, and telephone & name of contact person.